“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

- Luke 10:2

Our Mission

We want to glorify the Lord God by ministering to orphans in Tanzania by meeting their spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental needs. Training and raising up pastors that will shepherd and disciple the local Christians. Drilling wells to provide clean water for the communities. And develop sustainable farming to bring dignity which will keep the family structure intact.

Our Vision

To see an entire generation in Tanzania come to know and understand the Love of God as their Father, to be discipled and ultimately become strong leaders of faith in their communities and their country.

Alan Reed

Founder & CEO

Shannon Reed

Founder & Ministry Director

Ever since Alan was 18, he had always desired to serve in Africa. It wasn’t until much later in life, that he and his wife, Shannon finally got an opportunity to visit the great continent. In 2005, they had set out on their first trip, and it just happened to be Tanzania. During that trip, seeing the immense poverty and amount of orphaned children, they were moved and wanted to begin the process of building homes for these children. Later that year, they founded Africa Harvest of Hope and returned to Tanzania to get to work.

Alan and Shannon’s first trip as missionaries was not easy and presented many obstacles. So many, that they even doubted if this was what God wanted for them. After time, prayer, and visiting different areas, they were able to provide aid and witnessed radical healings in a small village outside Moshi, called, “Mtakuja”. The people that Alan and Shannon helped were so grateful that they invited them to stay and continue their work in that area. After this, Alan and Shannon felt that this was where God wanted them to be.

Ministry Team

Jay Jahn

Chairman of the Board

Martin Bruce

Board Member

Timothy Dalsimer

Content Director & Board Member

Pastor Zacharia Yona

Project Manager

Redemta Zacharia

Children’s Homes Supervisor

Daniel Zacharia

Family Life Counselor

Yasent Nicodemus

Farming Supervisor

Glory Ameni


Esther Yasent

PreSchool Director

Theresia Clemence

PreSchool Teacher